The weather In Spanish ( El tiempo )
El tiempo | The weather |
Hace buen tiempo | It is nice weather |
Hace mal tiempo | The weather is bad |
Hace frío | It's cold |
Hace calor | It's hot |
Hace sol | The sun is shining |
Hace viento | It's windy |
Hace (unos) 25 grados | It is (approximately) 25 degrees |
Llueve (llover) | It's raining (raining) |
Nieva (nevar) | It's snowing (snowing) |
Hay tormenta | It's storming |
Hay niebla | It's misty |
Hay chubascos | There are rain showers |
Está nuboso | It's clouded |
Está cubierto | It is heavily cloudy |